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How do you measure your carbon?

You can’t control what you don’t measure (… correctly!)


Many fleets are using incorrect calculations or assumptive, annualised data to calculate their carbon output, which can lead to inaccuracies.

So how do you accurately capture your CO2 output?


All you need is:

  • Total business mileage
  • Total fuel used for business mileage

For ALL drivers who drive for business purposes.

Sounds simple, but so many companies’ carbon reporting only includes vans and company cars.  What about your cash allowance drivers or employees using their own vehicles for business? If these drivers are not included in your CO2 reporting, you are not getting the complete picture.  Which means you are not basing carbon reduction measures on accurate data.

Another thing to consider is the accuracy of your existing mileage and fuel data. Many companies use contract mileage and the manufacturers’ published data.  This doesn’t give you your fleets’ real world carbon output.

You need to use real world business mileage and fuel data.

TMC can help!  We capture, audit and consolidate your mileage data.  If you use telematics data, we can take this in, or we can provide drivers with the tools to capture their business mileage to ensure you have full, accurate datasets across your whole fleet – including your grey fleet.

We then consolidate this data into a single reporting solution, providing the true cost and carbon reporting for all drivers within your business.  The reporting dashboard enables you to see what is driving these costs and we work with you to come up with strategies to improve the efficiency, and reduce the carbon of your fleet.