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Duty of care – your obligations

In 2003 the Health and Safety Executive released a publication called “Driving at Work – Managing Work Related Road Safety.” This publication issues guidance that vehicles are to be classed as a place of work and therefore fall under the same Health and Safety legislation as a physical workspace.

The fact that cars are classed as a place of work, along with several pieces of road traffic acts and legislations means that employers are obliged to develop Health and Safety policies to minimise the risks to the health and wellbeing of employees whilst driving a vehicle for business purposes. The development and effective implementation of these policies is a company’s “Duty of Care.”

Whilst these pieces of legislation went some of the way to forcing companies to implement effective policies, it wasn’t until 2008, when the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act came into force that pressure was really put on companies to act.

These pieces of legislation makes it easier to prosecute companies for health and safety failures that lead to a person’s death. These pieces of legislation are especially relevant for fleet managers as the biggest cause of at-work fatalities arises out of employees driving for business purposes. Every week around 200 road deaths and serious injuries involve drivers on work related journeys.

In order to ensure compliance with the Act employers are required to regularly carry out risk assessments that seek to identify the risks that their employees are exposed to. Once risks have been identified, businesses need to put suitable mitigation strategies in place that minimise or remove the risk. These risk management plans need to be created, communicated and deployed to the workforce.

Driver Behaviour Scoring

Identifying risks to improve driver safety starts with identifying how drivers perform whilst out on the road.

Our app uses the driver’s device’s in-built accelerometer, gyroscope and GPS to gather telemetry data on the following:

  • Speeding
  • Harsh Braking
  • Phone Usage (not including Bluetooth calls)

A score for each of the above is created from 0-100 for each journey, which shows in the app.

Drivers can see for themselves how well they’ve driven after each journey, with the aim of prompting improvements.

Mileage app trip score
Driver behaviour app

Driver dashboard

A dashboard on the app shows the driver their average score.

The colour coded score shows either ‘excellent’, ‘average’ or ‘could do better’.

This prompts drivers to reflect on their driving style and be more aware of how they are driving, hopefully leading to self improvement.


To give the organisation visibility, drivers’ scores are reported on the management dashboard and highlight those that are not achieving an overall score of ‘excellent’.

This enables managers to assess the risk within the fleet and take action to improve driver awareness and performance in terms of safety and efficiency.  This may be in terms of speaking to individual drivers, creating ‘leagues’ to foster positive competition and encourage safer driving, or possibly some driver training.  All of which, we can help you with.

TMC app report dashboard

We work with a number of public sector organisations and are on several frameworks, including CCS, YPO and Softcat.

Risk assessments and driver training

We provide risk assessments, driver training, online driver training and on the road driver training.


Ensure the compliance of your fleet with Compliance+.

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