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Visibility of your whole fleet

Data+ is designed to consolidate data from multiple sources into a single dashboard. For example, if you have multiple suppliers of fuel cards or telematics in multiple countries, Data+ consolidates them to provide consistency and analysis.

Typically, it analyses fleet management costs, telematics data, fuel card data but can be used for any mobility data.

Data+ can also validate fleet suppliers’ invoices against baseline commercial or contract cost data, with the objective of approving invoices for payment and managing exceptions.  The service can also  provide payroll reports.

How does it work?

  • TMC work with your fleet suppliers to collect all of your vehicle, trip, fuel & employee data. This includes fuel card, telematics, vehicle, leasing and insurance data.
  • We validate this information to ensure accuracy and uniquely follow up any anomalies to get to the bottom of any errors, and present the data back to you via a single reporting solution, providing visibility into what is driving your fleet costs, carbon and efficiency at local and global level
  • Data+ gives you the ability to make informed decisions about your fleet, providing you with real-world data across all markets which can be broken down as needed, including true cost, carbon and performance data, creating a 360 degree profile for every employee and driver.


We provide an interactive online dashboard that shows both the total view and enables drill down access to individual vehicle or driver costs. For international fleets, this dynamic reporting toolset takes local currency invoiced costs and pulls them together into a single reporting currency.

The user can get a summary view of the key performances and then select graphs and filters to investigate and analyse subsets of historic and current data as needed. Any data selection can be exported.