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Meet Sarah.

Sarah works for a pharmaceutical company, who provide her with a cash allowance.  TMC have been appointed to manage her employer’s occupational road risk and facilitate vehicle and safety checks to certify that Sarah, and her colleagues, are safe to drive.

Here’s how it works for Sarah:

Sarah receives a welcome email from TMC which explains our services and provides her with the login details for her account, which she will be able to access through both the web portal and mobile app. Sarah downloads the mobile app. She logs in and is prompted to add in her information.

Sarah starts by adding her vehicle details. On the app, the ‘Add Vehicle’ option allows her to enter the registration. The remaining vehicle details are populated as they are extracted instantly and directly from the DVLA database. This pulls through the latest vehicle tax and MOT information too, advising on expiry and renewal dates.

As she receives a cash allowance from her company, Sarah must provide her insurance documentation to prove she has coverage for business use. Sarah does this by taking a picture of her insurance certificate and uploading it via the app.  TMC’s auditors review the document to check Sarah has business class insurance and approve once verified.

Sarah’s company policy states that vehicles used by employees on business must be under 6 years old.  TMC check and confirm this.

Next, Sarah reads and agrees to her company’s fleet policy.

Sarah can view this, along with all her information in the ‘Visa to Drive‘ section of the Mileage Track mobile app, at any time.

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Sarah completes her driving licence check through TMC’s mobile app. She can either scan the licence using OCR technology to pick up the relevant details, or Sarah can submit manually by entering her details.

TMC check the licence with the DVLA, upload the data to the online dashboard for her company to see and schedule future checks based on her level of risk. As Sarah has six points on her licence, her employer asks TMC to check this every three months.

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Sarah completes a number of vehicle safety checks, taking pictures to provide evidence where required. These include checks on the tyres, oil level and windscreen wipers. The app signifies which checks are required based on her company’s scheme preferences.

The inspections lit in orange are the ones required and the status of the check will be indicated by the green or red light.

In doing this she reports back to her company to confirm that the vehicle is okay to drive, or flags any maintenance issues or concerns with the vehicle.


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Risk Assessment and Driver Training

Sarah receives an email with a link to a risk assessment questionnaire. The online questionnaire covers four areas of fleet safety:

  • Driver
  • Driver attitude
  • The journey
  • The vehicle

The risk assessment determined that Sarah is a medium risk driver and she therefore receives three online driver training modules to complete. The driver training modules are designed to tackle driver behaviour and are suited to the risks identified in Sarah’s assessment. For Sarah, these modules are driving at high speeds, early and late night starts and driving in adverse weather conditions.


Sarah uses the TMC app to record her business mileage via GPS. She registers her device with the vehicle and has set the app to record any journeys Monday – Friday between 0800 – 1800. Outside of these times, trip details are not recorded, so Sarah is in complete control of her personal trip data.

Each journey Sarah completes is scored out of 100 using data from the device’s in-built accelerometer, gyroscope and GPS.  This enables TMC to report on her speeding, acceleration, braking, cornering and phone interaction (excluding bluetooth calls).

Scoring Dashboard


An average is displayed on the dashboard of Sarah’s app, as well as being reported back to the business.

In time, Sarah begins to achieve a better MPG and runs her vehicle at a lesser pence per mile due to driving more economically.

Auto Track report

We report everything back to the business in the form of an online dashboard.

This includes all the duty of care information – driving licence checks, MOT, tax and insurance information and confirmation that Sarah has agreed to adhere to her company’s fleet policy.  Sarah’s driver behaviour scores will also be reported back, as will the results of her risk assessment.

TMC schedule checks for Sarah’s driving licence, MOT, Tax and insurance to ensure she is always covered to drive on business.

By aggregating all driving-related data about Sarah and her colleagues together using one tool, Sarah’s company can identify risks and put interventions in place to improve driving performance and safety.

Sarah finds the app easy to use and the set up is quick and self-explanatory. She likes that everything she needs for driving her car for business use is in one place and is accessible at any time. Sarah has also found that she drives with more care, as she wishes to achieve a score as close to 100 as possible.

Sarah’s employer are pleased that their employees’ documentation is up to date and that they don’t have to spend time reminding and chasing drivers any more. They can log in and review the compliance status for every employee driving on business at any time. They are also more comfortable that employees are as safe as possible when driving on business and that they are fulfilling their duty of care obligations.

Visa To Drive

Visa to Drive uses TMC’s software along with our team of expert auditors to collect, collate and verify your employees’ documentation to fulfil your duty of care obligations.

Driving Licence Checks

Although licence checks are included in our Visa to Drive comprehensive suite of options, it can be taken as a standalone service from us.

Vehicle Safety Checks

Drivers can now carry out comprehensive vehicle safety checks via TMC’s app, Mileage Track.  No more paper work.

Learn More

We’d love to talk to you about your fleet and discuss how we could help you improve visibility and control.  You can contact us using the form below or by calling or emailing us via the details below.