Preventative, Comprehensive, Inclusive
Compliance+ is a modular service, enabling you to select the services you need to help you meet your duty of care obligations for anybody driving on behalf of your business, be it a company car, van, grey fleet (own car), cash allowance or pool car drivers.
Our technology-based road risk management service is designed to increase visibility of risk to your fleet, digitalise operations to reduce administration time and ensure drivers are safe and legal when out on the road. It covers company vehicles, cash allowance and grey fleet drivers.
Everything is reported back to the business via an interactive online dashboard, including results of checks and summary compliance statistics.
How does Compliance+ work?
TMC’s Road Risk Management is comprised of modules to enable you to build an occupational road risk program that suits your business. The modules cover all employees regardless of driver profile, from HGV/LGV through to company cars, cash allowance and grey fleet.
Through our award-winning app, drivers can complete their driving licence checks, vehicle safety inspections and more
TMC manages the whole process, providing drivers with the tools needed to complete their check(s), making outbound contact with drivers to ensure checks are completed in a timely fashion and scheduling future checks based on the level of risk identified, or whenever renewals are due. Where checks are incomplete or invalid, we can withhold mileage payments until the driver becomes compliant.
Whether you take one, two or all services, you will have full visibility via one platform in an online dashboard that presents the outcome of the service(s) back to you.
Visa to Drive
Visa to Drive uses TMC’s software along with our team of expert auditors to collect, collate and verify your employees’ documentation to fulfil your duty of care obligations.
Licence Checks
TMC handles the entire end-to-end process of checking driving licences, including scheduling future checks and reporting the results back to you via an online dashboard.
Vehicle Safety Checks
Drivers can now carry out comprehensive vehicle safety checks via TMC’s app, Mileage Track. No more paper work.
Risk Assessment & Driver Training
We can help to provide risk assessments and driver training for your drivers to minimise and reduce risk within your fleet
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Duty of Care - Your Obligations
In 2003 the Health and Safety Executive released a publication called “Driving at Work – Managing Work Related Road Safety.” This publication issues guidance that vehicles are classed as a place of work and therefore fall under the same Health and Safety legislation as a physical workspace.
The fact that cars are classed as a place of work, along with several pieces of road traffic acts and legislations means that employers are obliged to develop Health and Safety policies to minimise the risks to the health and wellbeing of employees whilst driving a vehicle for business purposes. The development and effective implementation of these policies is a company’s “Duty of Care.”
Whilst this legislation went some way in forcing companies to implement effective policies, it wasn’t until 2008, when the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act came into force that pressure was really put on companies to act.
These pieces of legislation makes it easier to prosecute companies for health and safety failures that lead to a person’s death. These pieces of legislation are especially relevant for fleet managers as the biggest cause of at-work fatalities arises out of employees driving for business purposes.
Every week around 200 road deaths and serious injuries involve drivers on work related journeys.
In order to ensure compliance with the Act employers are required to regularly carry out risk assessments that seek to identify the risks that their employees are exposed to. Once risks have been identified, businesses need to put suitable mitigation strategies in place that minimise or remove the risk. These risk management plans need to be created, communicated and deployed to the workforce. This applies to both company-owned vehicles and privately-owned vehicles used by employees for business trips.